Please call Nahata Dziil Commission Office, if you have questions or need additional information 928-688-2150
1. Nahata Dziil Commission Governance
August 16, 2023
Celebrating 21 Years LGA Certification
“Local Governance Act”
Lunch provided-NDCG Residents
2. ND 14 R Meeting August 18, 2023
All Nahata Dziil Grazing permittees, and Range Managers
3. St. Mary’s Food Distribution
August 23, 2023
Everyone is welcome to receive Box food, Vegetables, and Fruit.
Just need Identification card and birth year
4. Missing or Murdered Indigenous People Presentation August 24, 2023
Office of the President/Vice President-John Tsosie Motivational Speaker-Pete Sam
Special Diabetes will also make presentation Lunch will be served